Labels:book | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: in the law 84 Stal. 923 (1970). These findings. in short have relevance political 2F 50cial protests Definitions The operative definitions RICO set ino in 18 ities U.S.C having 1961 focus commercial on "persons. 10 gain dimension 'enterprises Under and "acliv RICO person' defines who may violate the statute and who may sue under civil provi sions. Person $1961(3) focuses on individuals and cntities "capable of hoid. ing legal bencficial interest in property who cannot gain property or beneficial interest not 'person' withir RICO Under RICO, defines the entitics through, against which "pattern of rac cleer ing acti vity" may be engaged in The notion of gain per- vades the catcgory "Enterprise "may he divided into four broad categories commerci al entitics corporations, partner ships, s0le p ...